Table 1: Input Components
Component | Description | Palette Section |
Text Field | An input field for a single line of text. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Text Area | An input field for multiple lines of text. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Drop Down List | A drop-down menu, also referred to as a combo box. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Listbox | A list from which the user can select either one item or multiple items, depending on how the component is configured. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Checkbox | A single-character box that the user can either select (check) or clear. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Radio Button | A single radio button that the user can select (check). | (Woodstock) Basic |
Password Field | An input field that echoes the input characters with a replacement character to mask the input. | (Woodstock) Basic |
File Upload | A component with a text input field and a Browse button that displays a file chooser for specifying a file to upload. The application uploads the specified file when the user submits the page. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Add Remove | Two lists (one for available options, one for selected options) with buttons to move the options between the lists, and to order the selected options. | (Woodstock) Composite |
Calendar | An input field and calendar for choosing dates. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Table 2: Display Components
Component | Description | Palette Section |
Label | Text field that can be associated with an input field and for which you can specify a weak, medium, or strong font style. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Static Text | Field for displaying text. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Image | Inline image. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Message | Text field that is linked to a specific component for displaying validation errors and other messages about that component. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Message Group | Text field for displaying runtime error messages, program generated error messages, and, optionally, validation errors and other messages about components that are on the page. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Page Alert | Similar to an Alert component (below), but intended to display the icon and information on a separate page. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Alert | Displays an icon and informational text such as a warning, an error, or the successful completion of some event. | (Woodstock) Composite |
Hidden Field | An invisible field that can be used to hold data or pass information to the server. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Page Separator | A horizontal line that resizes to any page width selected by the user | (Woodstock) Layout |
Form | Used to add a form | (Woodstock) Layout |
Inline Help | Provides short help information that appears inline on your pages. | (Woodstock) Composite |
Bubble Help | Designed to appear during a mouse over. You can manually set a delay or how long the bubble should remain visible. | (Woodstock) Composite |
Accordion | Used for vertical tabbing. | (Woodstock) Composite |
Table 3: Grouping Components
Component | Description | Palette Section |
Checkbox Group | Displays two or more checkboxes in a grid layout. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Radio Button Group | Displays two or more radio buttons in a grid layout and ensures that only one button can be selected at a time. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Table, Table Row Group, and Table Column | Displays data from a composite data type such as a database table or an array. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Grid Panel | Organizes the components within a layout of rows and columns. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Group Panel | Groups a set of components in flow layout mode. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Layout Panel | Use to group a set of components in flow layout mode or grid layout mode. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Tab Set and Tab | Displays different layouts on the same page. Also can be used as a navigational tool. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Page Fragment Box | Groups components that you want to consistently display on two or more pages. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Property Sheet, Property Sheet Section, and Property | Lays out a single column of labeled components quickly, and divides the components into sections. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Breadcrumbs | Lays out a series of link components separated by right angle brackets (>). | (Woodstock) Composite |
Table 4: Action Components
Component | Description | Palette Section |
Button | Button that submits the associated form. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Hyperlink | Text field that submits a URL or submits a form. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Image Hyperlink | Image that submits a URL or submits a form. | (Woodstock) Basic |
Tab | Subcomponent of a Tab Set or a Tab. A tab can optionally submit a URL or submit a form. | (Woodstock) Layout |
Common Task | A link to a Visual web JSF page where a user can perform a task. | (Woodstock) Composite |