
Welcome to Ejb tutor. We have used Netbeans 6.5 to create EJB applications

JSF Popular Components

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  Table 1: Input Components
Component Description Palette Section
Text Field An input field for a single line of text. (Woodstock) Basic
Text Area An input field for multiple lines of text. (Woodstock) Basic
Drop Down List A drop-down menu, also referred to as a combo box. (Woodstock) Basic
Listbox A list from which the user can select either one item or multiple items, depending on how the component is configured. (Woodstock) Basic
Checkbox A single-character box that the user can either select (check) or clear. (Woodstock) Basic
Radio Button A single radio button that the user can select (check). (Woodstock) Basic
Password Field An input field that echoes the input characters with a replacement character to mask the input. (Woodstock) Basic
File Upload A component with a text input field and a Browse button that displays a file chooser for specifying a file to upload. The application uploads the specified file when the user submits the page. (Woodstock) Basic
Add Remove Two lists (one for available options, one for selected options) with buttons to move the options between the lists, and to order the selected options. (Woodstock) Composite
Calendar An input field and calendar for choosing dates. (Woodstock) Basic
  Table 2: Display Components
Component Description Palette Section
Label Text field that can be associated with an input field and for which you can specify a weak, medium, or strong font style. (Woodstock) Basic
Static Text Field for displaying text. (Woodstock) Basic
Image Inline image. (Woodstock) Basic
Message Text field that is linked to a specific component for displaying validation errors and other messages about that component. (Woodstock) Basic
Message Group Text field for displaying runtime error messages, program generated error messages, and, optionally, validation errors and other messages about components that are on the page. (Woodstock) Basic
Page Alert Similar to an Alert component (below), but intended to display the icon and information on a separate page. (Woodstock) Layout
Alert Displays an icon and informational text such as a warning, an error, or the successful completion of some event. (Woodstock) Composite
Hidden Field An invisible field that can be used to hold data or pass information to the server. (Woodstock) Basic
Page Separator A horizontal line that resizes to any page width selected by the user (Woodstock) Layout
Form Used to add a form (Woodstock) Layout
Inline Help Provides short help information that appears inline on your pages. (Woodstock) Composite
Bubble Help Designed to appear during a mouse over. You can manually set a delay or how long the bubble should remain visible. (Woodstock) Composite
Accordion Used for vertical tabbing. (Woodstock) Composite
  Table 3: Grouping Components
Component Description Palette Section
Checkbox Group Displays two or more checkboxes in a grid layout. (Woodstock) Basic
Radio Button Group Displays two or more radio buttons in a grid layout and ensures that only one button can be selected at a time. (Woodstock) Basic
Table, Table Row Group, and Table Column Displays data from a composite data type such as a database table or an array. (Woodstock) Basic
Grid Panel Organizes the components within a layout of rows and columns. (Woodstock) Layout
Group Panel Groups a set of components in flow layout mode. (Woodstock) Layout
Layout Panel Use to group a set of components in flow layout mode or grid layout mode. (Woodstock) Layout
Tab Set and Tab Displays different layouts on the same page. Also can be used as a navigational tool. (Woodstock) Layout
Page Fragment Box Groups components that you want to consistently display on two or more pages. (Woodstock) Layout
Property Sheet, Property Sheet Section, and Property Lays out a single column of labeled components quickly, and divides the components into sections. (Woodstock) Layout
Breadcrumbs Lays out a series of link components separated by right angle brackets (>). (Woodstock) Composite
  Table 4: Action Components
Component Description Palette Section
Button Button that submits the associated form. (Woodstock) Basic
Hyperlink Text field that submits a URL or submits a form. (Woodstock) Basic
Image Hyperlink Image that submits a URL or submits a form. (Woodstock) Basic
Tab Subcomponent of a Tab Set or a Tab. A tab can optionally submit a URL or submit a form. (Woodstock) Layout
Common Task A link to a Visual web JSF page where a user can perform a task. (Woodstock) Composite